More than just blocks!


Version 1.21

What do we offer you?

We want to set ourselves apart from other Minecraft servers primarily through quality and innovative concepts. To get a first impression, watch our trailer!

Entertainment and fun

We offer exciting gamemodes in the Minecraft universe for all ages!

Creativity and innovation

Experience Minecraft like never before through innovative gameplay!

Friends and community

We focus on team gamemodes because everything is more fun with friends!

Latest News

Season 2 endet bald!


Viele Abende sind nun vergangen, seit August letzten Jahres, als die zweite Season für Dungeon Explorer gestartet ist. Dass sich seitdem viel getan hat, haben wir ja bereits in der letzten News beleuchtet. Kommen wir also zu der Frage, was uns in den nächsten Wochen erwartet.

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Dungeon Explorer – Season 2 Features


Heute bekommt ihr einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Features, die innerhalb der zweiten Season von Dungeon Explorer hinzukamen und wie sie sich auf das existierende Gameplay auswirken.

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Unsere Vision für die kommenden Monate


Nachdem JustChunks vor ziemlich genau einem Jahr veröffentlicht wurde, möchten wir ein kleines Resümee ziehen und eine Vision darauf gewähren, was vor uns steht und was ihr erwarten könnt.

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All News

Social Media

You don't want to miss anything? Follow our socials and join our Discord server to stay informed!

All information about the network 24/7!
Trailers, Timelapses, Gameplay-Videos and more!
Central plattform for players and the team!
Relevant information, prizes to win and astonishing pictures!
Events, insights, programming and building streams and more!

What do we want to achieve with JustChunks?

With JustChunks we are aiming high and want to mix up the server scene. Through new concepts and innovative technical implementations we want to win over both new players and old Minecraft veterans and get them excited about Minecraft again.

Create an interesting game experience!

Our biggest goal is to create a server that is fun for everyone. Everybody who works on our project loves Minecraft and strives for a perfect server.

Build a community!

Minecraft is more fun with others, especially when they are friends. That's why we want to build a community in which everybody feels welcomed.

Have impact on the Minecraft scene!

With JustChunks we want to have a positive influence on the whole Minecraft scene. We want to engage players to become creative and support a diverse server culture.

Fund the server!

Our initial aim is to cover the monthly costs of the server in accordance with the EULA. Beyond that, we would like to expand the company in order to be able to handle even larger projects.

Gather experience in the gaming industry!

We want to stay in the gaming industry long-term. Our Minecraft network is our first big project which we want to learn from and grow with as a team.

You want to participate?

We are constantly seeking for new members in all areas! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Alternatively you can join our Discord server. We look forward to seeing you!
